I was born and raised in a small town in Kansas, that precious state AND it’s people WILL ALWAYS BE HOME TO ME. In 2013, I graduated from the University of Kansas with a BFA in Visual Arts, emphasis in printmaking. I went on to pursue a seminary graduate program at The Kanakuk Institute that changed the entire trajectory of my life. I thought MY CAREER WOULD BE vocational ministry , but the Lord had different plans. Instead, I started an internship with Scarlet & Gold, a lifestyle and gift brand. After six months of interning, I was offered a full-time position as the Director of Visuals & Styling. In the fall of  2015, I moved from Kansas City to Auburn, Alabama, to pursue my career as a designer for the company. I’ve been blessed to design with incredible people and work on projects that have impacted thousands.


Early March 2017 I made the move from Auburn, Alabama to Dallas, Texas where I reside today. I STARTED freelancing full-time as a designer & calligrapher. SHORTLY AFTER MOVING TO DALLAS I PICKED UP A CAMERA AND HAVEN'T PUT IT DOWN SINCE ( more about that here >). I HAVE FOUND ABSOLUTE JOy IN CAPTURING LIFE AND CHASING LIGHT.


i'm a photographer of love & lifestyle, designer of brands, frequent globe trotter, & accidental texan. i have a savior that took on my sin and was hung on a cross to pay it in full. i have the hope of jesus & want to share that with everyone i come in contact with. i'm confident in my mission, and i hold the calling that the lord has given me in the highest regard. my biggest desire is for people to know jesus in an intimate way and pursue him with their life. i pray that this brand and our relationship reflects the gospel to you.

capturing life / chasing light
